Dynamic CSS
Just noticed this: http://drupal.org/project/dcss
Looks interesting and could be quite useful. Think I'll try it out at the earliest opportunity.
Just noticed this: http://drupal.org/project/dcss
Looks interesting and could be quite useful. Think I'll try it out at the earliest opportunity.
Great article on A List Apart about handling complex layouts with dynamic content: http://www.alistapart.com/articles/fauxabsolutepositioning
There don't seem to have been any exciting discoveries in CSS for a while, and I seem to have been distracted by PHP recently, so I'll enjoy messing around with this.
Internet Explorer 6 is still out there and we still have to deal with it. Yucky, I know, but wouldn't life be dull if it was all too easy?
If your theme is using a non-white background, here's a quick fix to display the syndication icon in all its rounded-corner loveliness:
a.feed-icon img {
a.feed-icon {